
Correct lower limb biomechanics are essential for optimal injury free performance. Podiatry treats dysfunction in the musculoskeletal system arising from foot and lower limb injuries or imbalance. Such treatment can help alleviate pain and improve performance. Our podiatrists use and thoroughly recommend GaitScan™ force plate analysis and custom made orthotics. Evaluation of sports shoes is performed and an appropriate shoe can be recommended for each sport. We also treat painful and often debilitating conditions of the feet and nails.

What is TOG Gaitscan?

Our podiatrists uses the GaitScan™ System from The Orthotic Group™. It is a revolutionary diagnostic tool for assessing your weight distribution and foot biomechanics as you walk. GaitScan™ has an industry high 4096 sensors and scans at an industry high 300Hz (scans per second) compared to the human eye at approximately 15Hz. The GaitScan™ uses these sensors to provide a relative-pressure versus time graph as you progress through your natural gait cycle.

The measurements are recorded in our computer system and together with an in depth, hands on physical assessment of your foot, our podiatrist will provide a through explanation of your foot biomechanics, and if applicable, the relationship of these findings to your injury or potential problem area. Furthermore, your biomechanics can be seen side by side (on our laptop screen) compared with those of an optimal foot as it would look progressing through the gait cycle in both 2D and 3D imaging. This information can then be sent to The Orthotic Group™ instantly via email for further analysis if required and if a pair of orthotics are clinically indicated, these measurements are used to make the correctly shaped orthotic for you.

Why choose Gaitscan custom made orthotics?

Your foot is in contact with the ground for less than a second when walking or about a quarter of a second when running. The human eye cannot accurately assess normal or abnormal foot function with the naked eye. The Gaitscan system allows our Podiatrists to provide you with the most accurate foot assessment available. Abnormal foot mechanics are a major contributing factor to a large number of lower limb conditions.

Perhaps even more importantly, given our podiatrist’s experience with orthotic prescription spanning over 30 years, (which has seen many different orthotic materials come and go) the thermoplastic orthotics produced by The Orthotic Group laboratory (is in his opinion) are by far the most comfortable custom made orthotic to date. Patients consistently provide good feedback with regards to initially adapting to the new device when fitted inside the shoe and go on to complete many hours of work related standing and many kilometers of walking and running with improved biomechanics (and less pain and fatigue), with many patients completing marathons or even ultra marathons in these comfortable orthotics.

If you have been recommended orthotics in the past but found them difficult to wear, we recommend you try TOG custom orthotics. If you suffer from any of the following conditions please call us on 92861000 to make an appointment to discuss custom made orthotics with one of our podiatrists.

  • Knee pain
  • Shin pain
  • Heel pain/spurs
  • Flat feet
  • Children’s foot problems including in-toeing, gait and posture
  • Conditions occurring in the leg, hip or back related to faulty foot mechanics within the foot
  • Posture and Gait
  • Inflammatory conditions such as arthritis and tendonitis
Podiatry treats dysfunction in the musculoskeletal system arising from foot and lower limb injuries